Indian Education Opportunities Program (IEOP) is a grant-funded program under the Title VI and Johnson O’Malley grants.
Eligible American Indian/Alaskan Native students must provide tribal documentation as well as a Title VI and/or Johnson O’Malley (JIOM) form to be eligible for IEOP services such as tutoring, school supplies, classroom fee vouchers, cultural events, academic support, and college tours.
Title VI Eligibility Requirements
Descendant of a parent/grandparent with a Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) card or letter from a federal or state-recognized tribe. The following documents for Title VI eligibility are:
A few events sponsored by the JOM grant are as follows:
Family Literacy Night activities to promote reading, including the distribution of student books
Financial Literacy Workshops to provide students with practical life experiences
Student Academic Recognition Awards to acknowledge student achievement during the school year
Johnson O’Malley Eligibility Requirements
The student is an enrolled member with a Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) card or letter of a federal or state-recognized tribe. Johnson O’Malley students qualify for both Title VI and JOM.
The following documents for the JOM program are: