• Achievement Level
    • The CCSD Safe Routes to School Achievement Level Program (ALP) recognizes individual school efforts to improve and promote safe walking and bicycling. The program is also a road map and an assessment tool. Schools can plot out steps to move their school forward and can annually assess what they have achieved. There are four steps in the ALP: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. With each step, there are actions required and once a step is reached, school incentives are earned. Each year, the school may earn incentives on the step level reached.
    • Click the link for an outline of the Safe Routes to School Achievement Level Program. Safe Routes to School Achievement Level Program (PDF)
  • Bike Blender
    • This blender is an excellent and encouraging stationary biking experience that promotes physical activity and social interaction. When the bike blender is delivered to schools, students and adults gather around to have an opportunity to pedal and create delicious smoothies!
  • Bike Rodeo/Bike Pedestrian Safety Clinics
    • Designed to teach children, through hands-on experience, how to be safe pedestrians and bicyclists. This is a fun opportunity to improve cycling skills and reinforce safety behavior. This is not the place to teach a young person how to ride a bicycle. These clinics can be elaborate or as basic as you and your volunteers choose to make it.
  • Bike Repair Workshop
    • Students and parents have the opportunity to register for a free bike workshop. During the event, a mobile bike shop will hold a 30-minute “Do It Yourself” clinic to teach students and parents some basic bike repairs. Students will also have the opportunity to get their bikes inspected and fixed so they can ride them safely to and from school.
    • Safe Routes to School will also provide a free helmet and helmet fitting session for every student who registers. So bring your bike! Learn how to pump your tires, fix a flat, and adjust your seat. Also, be prepared to learn some great ways to stay safe while you ride. Parent participation is strongly encouraged.
  • Rocket Rules K-2

    • The Rocket’s Sense of Safety & Beyond! Activity Book has been developed to help teach children how to make smart split-second
      decisions in the event of an emergency or dangerous situation. Through the lessons provided, and with the help of Rocket, children will learn to be aware of their SENSES (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and their 6th sense-intuition) and how this will help them stay safe.
  • Beat the Street Safety Presentation 

    • The Safe Routes Beat the Street assembly is a 30-minute presentation about walking and biking to school safely. This dynamic, educational presentation teaches students about the importance of traffic signs, signal lights, crossing the road, and helmet use. Presentations are for grades 3 and 5. Student activity books and pencils are included.
  • Street Safe Presentation 9-12
    • Street Safe is a driver-focused presentation that aims to educate young motorists and passengers about Nevada bicycle and pedestrian laws. The objective is to develop a shared understanding for all users.
  • Train the Trainer Workshop
    • During this workshop, participants learn how to organize and hold successful bike rodeo/bike-pedestrian safety clinic events at their school or other location. Our professionals can train CCSD staff, community members, students, government representatives and PTAs/PTOs. Workshop participants learn how to plan and organize a tailored bike rodeo; select and set up stations; enlist volunteers and sponsors; time management strategies and more! Teachers may receive 2 CU credits for attending the workshop and organizing a bike rodeo after contract hours.
  • Parent Workshop: Street Smarts

    • The Safe Routes to School program encourages family engagement. This course encourages safe walking and bicycling to and from school tailored to parents. Walking and bicycling to and from school provides many benefits to students. Learn about those benefits and the following: teaching children to walk and bicycle safely to and from school, the importance of being a role model, and an overview of a parent-led walking school bus or bicycle train program. Attendees will also receive information about programs, workshops, and campaigns that are meant to promote and teach safe commuting for all students.
      See UFL Elementary Workshops, Click Here, scroll to Promoting Wellness and Development, and see course number 324, Street Smarts.
  • Parent Workshop: Active and Healthy Families
      • This Safe Routes presentation focuses on the importance of staying active and having good nutritional habits for you and your family. In this course, we will go over the many benefits of walking, bicycling, other physical activities, and of course, pairing them with great nutrition and a well-balanced diet. We encourage families and their children to attend and learn the importance of exercising and meal planning together.
        See UFL Elementary Workshops, scroll to Promoting Wellness and Development, and see course number 325, Active and Healthy Families.
  • School Observation
    • Safe Routes will come to your school for an arrival or dismissal observation based on your school’s current needs. Safe Routes will debrief and help create or update your school’s action plan.
  • Banner Campaign

    • SRTS is constantly campaigning to make sure every driver in Clark County is practicing safe driving skills in school zones. A banner is presented to active school sites in order to educate parents about the No U Turn or passing in an active school zone law. The banner is brightly colored and eye-catching. Our goal is to reach at least 25% of drivers at each school.
  • Thank You for Driving Safely Campaign (Positive Presence)
    • A “Thank You” campaign is an effective way to encourage safe driving around school zones. Volunteers, staff, and parents hand out “Thank You” cards, in English and Spanish, with important Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) concerning school zones. Safe Routes would be happy to come to your school to give helmets to students that rode their bike, scooter or skateboard to school. By signing up for this program, Safe Routes staff will set up tables at your schools bike rack and do a fitting for those students who are in need of a helmet.
  • Walking & Rolling Program

    • The CCSD Safe Routes to School program has funds to provide incentives to support a weekly to-and-from-school walking and/or bicycling program at several elementary and/or middle schools.
  • Nevada Moves
    • Nevada Moves Month is a fun statewide event that celebrates the benefits of walking and bicycling to school, such as increasing awareness of how walk/bike-friendly a community is and where improvements can be made. It reduces traffic congestion and air pollution near schools and it increases physical activity.
  • Bike to School Day

    • The CCSD Safe Routes to School program promotes Bike to School Day each year where children and adults around the nation come together and celebrate the awesome benefits of bicycling and walking to encourage physical activity and fun! Encourage your school to participate.
  • International Walk to School Day
    • International Walk to School Day is a global event that involves communities from more than 40 countries walking and biking to school on the same day. It began in 1997 as a one-day event. Over time, this event has become part of a movement for year-round safe routes to school and a celebration – with record breaking participation – each October. Today, thousands of schools across America – from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico – participate every October.
  • Helmet Blitz
    • Safe Routes will come to your school to give free helmets to students that ride their bikes, scooters, or skateboards to school. Safe Routes staff will set up tables at your school’s bike rack and conduct helmet fittings for those students in need.

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