Staff Resources

As Educators, providing a welcoming and supportive learning environment that engages families and students is necessary for student success. The Family Engagement Department provides supports for building educator capacity that includes strategies, tips, and resources for schools, teachers, and administrators that will help embed and sustain a culture of engagement.


The Family Engagement Department offers customized professional development for your school virtually or in-person. Trainings are 1-3 hours and include the following focus areas: 

  • Examining Mindset & Core Beliefs
  • Family-Focused Schools
  • Effective Home-School Communication
  • Introductory Family Engagement course for New Teachers


To schedule training for your staff, please email us at or call us at 702-799-0303. 


Effective July 2015, initial licenses require at least 3 semester hours regarding parental involvement and family engagement that is consistent with the elements and goals for effective involvement and engagement set forth in NRS 392.457; and includes an emphasis on building relationships, outreach to families, and developing an appreciation and understanding of families from diverse backgrounds.


Courses approved by the state must be taken in order to fulfill licensure requirements. Please see this list of all the approved courses. For the approved course taught by the CCSD PLE Department, please view this flyer or contact PLE at 702-799-1921.


Please see the following list for recommended books on the topic of effective family engagement.

  • Just Schools: Building Equitable Collaborations with Families and Communities by Ann M. Ishimaru (2020)
  • Engage Every Family: Five Simple Principles by Steve Constantino (2020) 
  • Beyond the Bake Sale by Anne T. Henderson, Karen L. Mapp, Vivian R. Johnson, and Don Davies (2007)
  • Natural Allies: Hope and Possibility in Teacher-Family Partnerships by Soo Hong (2019) Soo Hong’s Virtual Book Club Interviews
  • Project Impact Reports Parent Leadership Evaluation Network by Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools (2019) 
  • Powerful Partnerships: A Teacher’s Guide to Engaging Families for Student Success by Karen L. Mapp, Ilene Carver, and Jessica Lander (2017) 
  • No More Mumbo Jumbo: Bridging the Communication Gap Between Educators and Families by Patricia Weinzapfel (2018) 
  • Building Parent Engagement in Schools by Larry Ferlazzo (2009) 
  • School, Family, and Community Partnerships by Joyce L. Epstein and Associates (2009)