Partnership Opportunities


Partnership Opportunities

Become a partner and have a lasting impact on Clark County School District (CCSD) students and staff by connecting schools with needed resources. Your contributions are essential to student achievement and teacher success.  Your support will enable all students to have a richer scholastic experience.

Become a Partner

Why become a partner?

  • Improve student achievement
  • Reduce chronic absenteeism
  • 100% of contributions go directly to the schools/students
  • Invest in the future workforce
  • Contributions are tax deductible

Learning Lacrosse from the Las Vegas Desert Dogs

Partnership Examples

  • Various businesses and organizations contribute to student enrichment through in-kind and financial donations, sponsoring field trips, recruiting guest speakers, offering competitions, and more.
  • Professional athletic organizations provide equipment, clinics, educator recognition programs, tickets, and other support for both students and staff.
  • Banks and credit unions contribute funding and volunteer services in support of literacy, math, and other academic programs at schools.
  • Local venues donate student and staff incentives and rewards consisting of vouchers, free admission, or gift cards.